Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
Psychology & Personality Courses
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is a step-by-step method for identifying your negative thinking and replacing it with healthier thinking. It changes your inner dialogue. Numerous studies have shown that cognitive behavioral therapy is...
Embrace Your Weirdness
Psychology & Personality Courses
Embrace Your Weirdness
Course Overview: Embrace Your Weirdness Welcome to "Embrace Your Weirdness"! This unique online course is designed to help you discover, celebrate, and harness your individuality. In a world that often pressures us to conform, this course...
Emotional Control and Management
Psychology & Personality Courses
Emotional Control and Management
The ability to experience and express emotions is more important than you might realize. As the felt response to a given situation, emotions play a key part in your reactions. When you’re in tune with them, you have access to important...
Emotional Regulation Skills
Psychology & Personality Courses
Emotional Regulation Skills
Isn’t it great when life’s highs can trigger a fantastic feeling of dancing hand-in-hand with euphoria? But it’s not too brilliant when life’s lows cause a spiral into an emotional meltdown. Getting to grips with our positive and...
Overcoming Cognitive Biases
Psychology & Personality Courses
Overcoming Cognitive Biases
Welcome to the fascinating and frustrating world of cognitive bias—it's full of challenge and opportunity. And although cognitive biases exist only in our heads, they affect everything around us, including our work. Cognitive biases are...
Positive Psychology: How To Be Happy and Successful
Psychology & Personality Courses
Positive Psychology: How To Be Happy and Successful
This is a Positive Psychology course for people who want to become more positive and happy. In this course, we'll learn the Frameworks of positive psychology. You can learn the positive psychology theories and develop your character strengths and...
Psychology 101
Psychology & Personality Courses
Psychology 101
Welcome to Psychology 101! Have a seat and make yourself comfortable, we are about to start class. Psychology 101 is a general psychology course adapted to an online training. This online course represents a summary of the major theories,...
The Big Five Personality Traits Theory
Psychology & Personality Courses
The Big Five Personality Traits Theory
Researchers and psychologists have identified the following characteristic traits as the central dimensions of our personalities: extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, and openness. These 5 traits are components of what has...
Unlock Your Full Potential
Psychology & Personality Courses
Unlock Your Full Potential
Unlock Your Full Potential: Unleash Your Inner Power and Achieve Your Dreams Course Overview: Feeling stuck and unfulfilled? Do you have a nagging sense that you're capable of more? This online course, Unlock Your Full Potential, is...

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